oastools.parse package Submodules oastools.parse.parser module


Author:Bilal Shaikh < bilalshaikh42@gmail.com >
Copyright:2019, Bilal Shaikh

Adapted from Swagger_Parser (MIT Licence) to work with openapi 3 https://github.com/Trax-air/swagger-parser/blob/master/swagger_parser/swagger_parser.py

class oastools.parse.parser.OASParser(oas_spec, use_example=True)

Bases: object


Parse all definitions in the swagger specification.


Build the example for the given definition. :param def_name: Name of the definition.

Returns:True if the example has been created, False if an error occured.
static check_type(value, type_def)

Check if the value is in the type given in type_def. :param value: the var to test. :param type_def: string representing the type in swagger.

Returns:True if the type is correct, False otherwise.
static get_definition_name_from_ref(ref)

Get the definition name of the given $ref value(Swagger value). :param ref: ref value (ex: “#/definitions/CustomDefinition”)

Returns:The definition name corresponding to the ref.
get_dict_definition(dict, get_list=False)

Get the definition name of the given dict. :param dict: dict to test. :param get_list: if set to true, return a list of definition that match the body.

if False, only return the first.
Returns:The definition name or None if the dict does not match any definition. If get_list is True, return a list of definition_name.
get_example_from_prop_spec(prop_spec, from_allof=False)

Return an example value from a property specification. :param prop_spec: the specification of the property. :param from_allof: whether these properties are part of an

allOf section
Returns:An example value
get_path_spec(path, action=None)

Get the specification matching with the given path. :param path: path we want the specification. :param action: get the specification for the given action.

Returns:A tuple with the base name of the path and the specification. Or (None, None) if no specification is found.

Get data for each paths in the swagger specification. Get also the list of operationId.

get_request_data(path, action, body=None)

Get the default data and status code of the given path + action request. :param path: path of the request. :param action: action of the request(get, post, delete…) :param body: body sent, used to sent it back for post request.

Returns:A tuple with the default response data and status code In case of default status_code, use 0

Get a response example from a response spec.

get_send_request_correct_body(path, action)

Get an example body which is correct to send to the given path with the given action. :param path: path of the request :param action: action of the request (get, post, put, delete)

Returns:A dict representing a correct body for the request or None if no body is required.
validate_additional_properties(valid_response, response)
Validates additional properties. In additional properties, we only
need to compare the values of the dict, not the keys
  • valid_response – An example response (for example generated in _get_example_from_properties(self, spec)) Type is DICT
  • response – The actual dict coming from the response Type is DICT

A boolean - whether the actual response validates against the given example

validate_definition(definition_name, dict_to_test, definition=None)

Validate the given dict according to the given definition. :param definition_name: name of the the definition. :param dict_to_test: dict to test.

Returns:True if the given dict match the definition, False otherwise.
validate_request(path, action, body=None, query=None)
Check if the given request is valid.
Validates the body and the query # Rules to validate the BODY: # Let’s limit this to mime types that either contain ‘text’ or ‘json’ # 1. if body is None, there must not be any required parameters in # the given schema # 2. if the mime type contains ‘json’, body must not be ‘’, but can # be {} # 3. if the mime type contains ‘text’, body can be any string # 4. if no mime type (‘consumes’) is given.. DISALLOW # 5. if the body is empty (‘’ or {}), there must not be any required parameters # 6. if there is something in the body, it must adhere to the given schema # -> will call the validate body function
  • path – path of the request.
  • action – action of the request(get, post, delete…).
  • body – body of the request.
  • query – dict with the query parameters.

True if the request is valid, False otherwise.

class oastools.parse.parser.OpenApiParser(path=None)

Bases: object Module contents